Jesse, today you are EIGHT months old!!
You are my big, snuggly boy! You love to be held and will happily hang out in the ergo, even snoozing in it at MOPS. At night you almost always fall asleep in my arms before I lay you down. It’s my favorite part of the day and I find myself holding you longer and longer each night knowing this season is fleeting.
You are a moving machine! You inch your way all over the house. You can squirm into any space – no matter how tight.
You seem to have zero interest in your toys and would prefer to gnaw on Asher’s train tracks, crayons, and cars all day long. I’m constantly redirecting you, pulling you away from things, and spinning you around. And did I mention how FAST you are?? The other day you crossed the room and managed to get Daisy’s dog food in your mouth before I could even blink. I quickly scooped you up and did the whole finger swipe… I’m sure it was really gross for you! Your big brother never attempted to eat her food… just one of the many ways you are so different. You are getting up on all ‘fours’ and rocking quite a bit, we are anxious to see if you will transition from army crawling to real crawling – I hope so! Dragging your tummy all over the place can’t be super comfortable. ;)
Jesse you are back to your great sleeping habits (THANK YOU!) I’ve probably jinxed it by typing that… but typically you go to bed between 6:30 and 7 pm and sleep until about 5 am. After I feed you, you go back to sleep until anywhere from 7 to 9 am! Usually you’re up between 7 and 8 and then back down for your first nap at 9:30 am. Your afternoon nap is around 1:15 or 1:30. I lay you down wide awake and you will coo or ‘talk’ for a few minutes before drifting off. Thanks for being such a great baby!!
You like to eat!! You shove puffs in your mouth by the handful. Daisy is loving that you drop so many. I could tell she was excited when we got the high chair back out a few months ago!! You are eating lots of different veggies and fruits as well as yogurt, and you love oatmeal! This month I’m going to start adding more finger foods. Jesse I’ve made some of your baby food and bought some. In the beginning I had hoped to make all of it… but we’re about 50/50. I think having two kids has helped me let go of some of my “perfectionist mommy ways” and not stress about the little things quite so much. Jesse you eat three meals a day in your high chair and nurse about 5 times a day. So thankful to have dropped all the night-time feedings! You have two teeth, but you’ve got to be getting some more – you are a drooling machine and chewing on your fingers.
Jesse you are discovering your voice!! Every now and then you’ll let out a huge scream and startle all of us. You like to babble and squawk. You are starting to say, “Mama!!” and I’m thrilled to have one child choose me as their first word… I’m sure “Dada” will not be far behind. You have also learned how to wave, compliments of Daddy! He taught you and now you are the cutest little waver! You have also started to reach for us when we pick you up, or when you want us to pick you up. It’s pretty hard to go past a baby who has his arms stretched up at you and NOT stop what I’m doing to pick you up.
This past month you experienced your first tornado warning. You were very inquisitive and wondering why we were sitting on the floor in the bathroom… you didn’t even seem to be interested in watching cartoons with Asher on the computer (thankfully, since we’re trying very hard to keep you from watching TV until you’re older.) :) I was selfishly very frustrated that I had to wake both you and your brother up from your naps to bring you downstairs… but when I saw how bad the storms were south of us I quickly realized how blessed we were to be protected. Thank you, Jesus!
Jesse you definitely have your high maintenance moments. You do not enjoy just chilling in your exercauser they way that Asher did – you would prefer to be held or have someone sitting on the floor right next to you. It does make accomplishing things around the house pretty difficult, but I’m ever-reminded that you being a baby is a season of life and someday I’ll wish I could scoop you back up and snuggle you so I’m trying to just enjoy holding you right now. All the other “things” will still be here when you are a busy boy who doesn’t have time for being held by your mama.
Jesse, we love you to pieces and pieces. You are the sweetest little snuggly boy and I am thankful every day for you, my precious baby boy! You are growing up so fast and I know we’ll be singing happy birthday to you in no time. We love you, Jesse!
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