Tuesday, April 24, 2012

iPhone faves

I am constantly snapping pictures of the boys on my iPhone.  I love that I always have a camera close by to capture everyday life.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from my iPhone from the last couple weeks…

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Asher had been anxious to wear his new raincoat so he was happy to join Chris at Kroger one rainy night – the rain boots helped him splash in puddles in the parking lot.  I love that cute little face.

jessecute2  jessecute

Ah!  These shoes just kill me.  How stinkin’ cute are the shoes, the outfit, and of course, the boy.  :)


Playing outside one night after dinner when it was in the 70’s.  It was one of those nights when even I didn’t want bedtime to come.  It was the most contained I’ve had Jesse in months.  The second he’d touch the grass he would come right back to me.  It was so nice to have him in one place for more than a minute.  ;)


Just taking it all in…


Asher took a break from playing to come hang out with little brother…


Love them!



Still loves to swing and is tolerating the sunglasses!


I blinked and he grew up!  Looking so old in his jammies and playing with the tractor. 


This use to be a nightly occurrence… now it’s pretty rare if he falls asleep while I’m holding him.  Savoring the moment to snuggle my very busy and active boy!


Boys are just wired so differently than girls!  I love that he folded a box into a ramp and lined up blocks for his cars to jump over. 


Asher at his favorite place in the world… the Children’s Museum!!


Both boys at the museum… love Asher’s cheesy grin!


The crib is the best place to ‘contain’ Jesse these days when I need to help Asher with something.  He’s usually content for a little while as long as he’s got some toys to play with. :)  Sweet boy!

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