Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sweet Season

I’m only three years into this parenting business, but even I’ve learned there are seasons – sleepless ones, frustrating ones, busy ones… and since the ‘hard’ ones often get the most attention I thought I’d take a minute to write about the SWEET season we’re in right now…


Jesse is pure sweetness – he exudes it!  He is the wiggliest baby and when he smiles he about wiggles out of my arms.  We are officially at the stage where I can hardly get through an aisle at Target where someone won’t stop and talk to him and then proceed to get such a kick out of his precious little self.  Chris teases me, but I’ve made “friends” with SOOO many older women at Tar-jay lately.  I’ve had lengthy conversations multiple times with sweet old ladies and each time he’ll ask, “What on earth prompted this conversation?!”  Inevitably it’s always Jesse!


We’ve also been so blessed by the sweetness of Asher lately.  He is SO into hugs and kisses these days.  He loves to snuggle and sit in our laps and read books.  He is really sweet with Jesse and seeing their love for each other has got to be one of life’s greatest joys.  He says the funniest and silliest things all the time.  He loves to pray before meals and Chris and I have to bite our lip not to giggle at his prayers as he thanks Jesus for EVERYTHING…  forks, spoons, plates, the sky, his cartoons, the museum… etc.  He is so helpful and when I call him he usually responds with “Coming Mommy!”  Love that!  He is so good about saying Thank-You… even when he’s not prompted.  My heart about melts when I hear him say things like, “Thanks for taking us for ice cream, Daddy!”


We still have our share of hard moments; but overall I can honestly say that the past few days and weeks have just been… sweet!  I’ve heard from lots of people that three is harder than two… and now that we’re just a few weeks away from the big 3 (!!) I’m sure hoping their wrong.  ;)  Regardless, I’m thankful for this happy little season we’ve found ourselves in… and hope it stays for a while?! 


  1. He looks SO much like you in this pic!! Love it! look at the chins/nose, Chris's eyes & smile but so much of you!

    1. I do kind of see it, now that you mention it. But you're right -- totally Chris's eyes and smile. He's his Daddy's boy. :)
