Monday, April 11, 2011

23 months old!

Asher, you are 23 months old!!  Next month we’ll be celebrating your 2nd birthday!!  This is SO HARD TO BELIEVE!


24 months/2T
Diapers: 5 regular, 6 overnight
Shoes: 6, but moving up to 6.5 soon

You are a great eater until you decide you want to play with your food.  Lately we’ve had to crack down on food throwing and just overall goofiness when it comes to using forks and spoons.  We are thankful that you eat most things though!  You LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and peanut butter crackers.  Just like your mommy!!


Your personality is continuing to emerge more and more everyday.  You are still the sweetest boy in the whole world!  You are also stubborn and enjoy asserting your will.  You’re at a tough age because even though we can talk and reason about some things… you can’t understand everything we’re trying to explain.  Discipline will probably never be my favorite thing, but we’ve known enough children who weren’t disciplined (being teachers) that we wouldn’t let you grow up that way.  :)

You talk and talk and talk!  One of your favorite things to say is, “Asher do it!”  :)  You are getting SOOOO good and communicating just exactly what you want to tell us.  Most of the time you remember your please and thank you’s, but are good about saying them with reminders too.  You have a great little memory and will talk about things we did or saw for days and weeks at a time!  I’m always amazed at what topics you ‘bring up’ in conversation, and I love hearing you chatter about this and that.


You like to walk everywhere we go and hate being carried through the parking lot.  We always tell you that you can walk on the sidewalk so now practically leap out of our arms when we reach the sidewalk!  If you are getting tired of being in the cart at the grocery store you will strain to get out and ask to be on the “sidewalk.”  :)

You love to sing, sing, sing!  You love to laugh and be silly!  You love to talk to us, chase Daisy, play with cars, and kick the ball.  You are ALL BOY and I love it!  Now that the weather is warming up you’d be happy if we could be outside ALL the time! 


Even when you are naughty you are very sweet and very good about apologizing and giving hugs and kisses. 

You can count from 1-10 and sing most of your alphabet.  If something can be put to song you can learn it!  Whenever I sing a new song you will say, “Again” over and over until you’ve learned it! 

Favorite Things:
*Thomas!  (…and all trains for that matter!)


*Daisy!  You MISSED her while we were on vacation!!


*Your Daddy! 


*Mickey Mouse!  (This is a new one!)  You like to sing the Mickey Mouse clubhouse song or have us turn it on so you can dance to it.

*Your Pacifier! (Yikes, we really need to figure out how we’re going to break you of this one!)

Asher you are a great night time sleeper!  You go to bed between 7 and 7:30 and sleep until 7 or 8 the next morning.  Some days you’re still sleeping at 9!!! 

Naps are another story.  You have been fighting them for quite a while now.  Some days you’ll lay right down and sleep for 2-3+ hours!  Other days you walk around your crib and talk for hours.  Lots of people keep telling me that maybe you’re just done with naps, but I disagree!!!!  We’re going to keep having “rest” time daily and I hope naps will return.  If they don’t, at least you’ll get some down time (and so will I!)  Maybe we’ll get this figured out before baby Brother arrives! 


We love you Asher and the BIG BOY you are turning into… even if I do miss my baby boy some times I wouldn’t trade the little person you’ve become!

xo xo Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the update! I can't believe Asher will be 2! I have to comment on the "duck ride" - Love it :)
