Friday, May 27, 2011

34 weeks!

I’m officially 34 weeks and if this baby is anything like Asher I’m not worried about him coming early, unless the doctor thinks he needs to…


Things are going really well with this pregnancy and I feel pretty good!  I had a good appointment with my doctor this week and we have our ultra sound scheduled for two weeks from today.  She wants to check in on the babe to see if he is as big (or bigger) gulp as his brother was.  If so, the decision might be made for a 39 week induction.  Also, at my last appt. she thought he might be breech (this time she wasn’t sure anymore) so it will be a good chance to see if he is in the right position.  We discussed the options of a breech birth and let’s just say, I hope he turns on his own!!!  :)

I remember the days and weeks leading up to Asher’s birth and knowing I would love my baby, just not knowing HOW MUCH I would love him.  I am having those same emotions again.  I think it’s just hard to wrap your mind and heart around how crazy you will be for someone you haven’t met yet.  In addition, my pregnancy hormones are probably on overdrive as I do begin to think about how Asher will handle the transition.  I’ve spent the last two years basically taking care of his every need and now he won’t have my undivided attention at all moments of the day.  It might be bumpy at first, but I know that we’ll not only survive but ultimately realize our family is much more complete with this newest member!  And I can’t wait to see the love that forms between my two boys!

And finally, baby boy STILL does NOT have a name.  It has totally taken the ‘fun’ out of keeping his name a secret, that’s for sure!!  Ha!  I sure hope we have one before we leave for the hospital…  Otherwise I’ll be just as anxious as everyone else to find out what it will be!

Here we go….. T-minus 6 weeks (or less!)

1 comment:

  1. Linds,
    I'm so excited for you and Chris! One of the coolest things is seeing (like you said) the love form between the kids! Today Grey was in the crib with Selah and I was watching and listening on the monitor and he was just saying, "I love you so much Selah, I love you soooo much". Ahhhh! you'll have so many sweet moments....and that makes all the tough moments SO worth it! you'll be amazing at balancing TWO! :)
