Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We’re still here…

…and I have the iPhone pictures to prove it!  :)  (Seriously, what did we do before camera phones?!) 

I’ve been really slacking in the blogging department and I think I can blame it more on living in a tw0-story house now than having two-kids!  Often when I have time to blog (while Asher naps or in the evening) I don’t want to walk all the way upstairs to where my laptop is charging (usually because I’m holding a sleeping newborn!)  BUT, I will get back on track here soon… I guess I’ll just consider it my maternity leave!!

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Last weekend we took Asher to Touch-a-Truck at Carmel High School.  It was really cool!!  There were SO many different trucks (and even a helicopter)!  Jesse and I went along, but only stayed for a short time because of the heat.  SOOOOO ready for this heat wave to be over!

photo      photo
Fireman Asher!

Checking out the helicopter…

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Poor Jesse is recovering from a bit of a stuffy nose (likely his first cold) and an infected blocked tear duct!!  So at three weeks old this poor child was already been on his first antibiotic!  He does seems to be on the mend now and we’re so thankful!  It’s not fun to watch your kids feel crummy, especially when there is so little you can do for them!

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This past Sunday we made a quick trip to…


Jesse was a shopping champ!  He slept and then took his first bottle since leaving the hospital, and then he slept some more! 

Asher was having way more fun at Grandpa and Grandma’s House playing playing playing!  Liz and Joel and Coralaine met us there for dinner and unfortunately we didn’t bring our camera so this is the only shot I have…


It was a quick, but successful trip and we’re still up to our elbows in IKEA furniture pieces.  Hopefully everything will be assembled and in place by this weekend when we are getting some VERY special visitors!!!

I love this shot!  On the ride home from Cincinnati it was still sunny, but definitely past bedtime so he fell asleep with his sunglasses on.  He was exhausted from a fun day with his grandparents and slept (almost) the whole way home.

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Chris is back to school full-time (sigh) so I’m getting used to life with two kids.  It’s been hard and great at the same time.  Even in the most difficult moments I’m SO thankful that my job is at home with my boys, and even though it’s not where every mom wants to be, or can be, I’m so glad it’s where I get to be!!

I think I’m going to have a love-hate relationship with the car cart at Kroger!  Love it for keeping Asher occupied and out of the cart (leaving room for Jesse and groceries).  Hate it for how hard it is to steer… I about took out every end cap and more than one stand in the deli/bakery.

This past weekend Liz helped me finally figure out my Moby Wrap.  We’ve had a few chances to try it over the past few days and love it.  Thanks, Liz!

1 comment:

  1. Oh good! Glad its working out! Jesse looks super cozy!
