Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day Weekend!

We had such a fun Labor Day Weekend!!  Auntie Brittany, Uncle Adam, and cousins Linnea and Karin came to visit us and meet Jesse!!!  Asher could hardly contain his excitement once he found out they were coming.  His exact words were, “I so ‘cited!  We’re going to talk and laugh and bounce!”  :)  For days and days he asked if they were coming so it was SO fun to wake him up from his nap on Friday and tell him that they were ALMOST here!! 


Asher is crazy about Linnea and Karin and they are SO sweet to him!


Auntie Britt is coined the ‘Baby Whisperer’ in our family and she got right to work lovin’ on Jesse when she arrived. :)

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Saturday was 100 degrees here in Indy!!  The kids were on the waterslide by mid-morning.  Next they hit the neighborhood pool.  It was the perfect day to be in water.



Asher took a great nap after all that time playing with his cousins so us girls went to the mall to shop.  We had fun in Charming Charlie trying on lots of fun accessories!

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Striking a pose!


Later that night we went to Chris’s favorite restaurant (ha ha, not really)… Red Robin!  Yum! 


I think Jesse particularly enjoyed himself…


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After our 100 degree day on Saturday we welcomed a cooler day on Sunday and went to Conner Prairie!

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We explored wigwams, ground corn, paddled canoes…


Threw tomahawks…


and checked out the barn!


The animals are always Asher’s favorite! 


How cute is this calf?!


So fun to experience everything with the cousins!


Linnea, Chris, and Asher running down the hill.  Asher is VERY into “do it by myself” so Chris was trying to keep Asher from running too fast and tumbling the rest of the way.  :)

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Checking out the pigs… the babies were just sitting in the water and were SO cute!

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When you live far away from family visits become SO special!  After looking forward to them for weeks each visit is always over too soon.  It was wonderful to have time to hang out and just enjoy being together.  We are so thankful that all our family has been willing to come visit us this summer and been so excited to meet Jesse! 

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Linnea and Karin have lots of practice being great cousins.  Asher is crazy about them, and I know Jesse will be too!




Auntie Britt cuddling Jesse was a common theme throughout the weekend!  :)


Loving his fort playmates!


The weather was picture perfect Sunday night and we (the big kids and the little kids) literally played until dark.  Probably my favorite part of the whole weekend!


Uncle Adam had the magic touch with Jesse… he just had to look in Jesse’s direction and would get the biggest smile and coos.


We love you guys!  Can’t wait to see you all again hopefully sooner than later!!


1 comment:

  1. Seriously can't believe how BIG the girls are!! :) Looks like you had such a great time! :)
