Saturday, November 19, 2011

rolling, rolling, rolling!

My poor baby had croup this week.  I think we’re finally on the up-swing, but it was a long couple of days (and nights) and SO hard to watch my sweet little baby suffer.  One night while we were hanging out in the bathroom enjoying the steam he rolled over!  He’s been so close for so long!!  I don’t know why I am surprised that the child who waited until the LAST minute to roll/flip in utero would take his sweet time now!  ;)

The other funny thing to me is that he is rolling back to tummy all the time, but has yet to roll tummy to back (without being raised up on a boppy pillow).  He just likes doing things his own way, I guess!


He starts on his back and then rocks back and forth,


And eventually he flops over onto one side.


The hardest part for him is getting his arm un-stuck.


Being on his tummy is still not his favorite,


But he is getting better about it!


We’re also working on sitting up!  He mostly flops forward, but his ab muscles do seem to be getting stronger.  And contrary to this picture, I think he really enjoys the new perspective of sitting up and playing with his toys!


So thankful for this little sweet, smiley, ray of sunshine!!

1 comment:

  1. So funny. Brylee also rolled back to front (and actually still has yet to roll front to back)! Our kids seem to follow similar patterns! :)
