Wednesday, June 6, 2012

11 months old!!

It’s funny to think about this time last year when I was very pregnant and very busy with packing our small house to move to our bigger house.  I was glad to no longer be cleaning for open houses and house showings… but juggling packing, a toddler, and the last weeks of pregnancy was ca-razy!  Thankfully Chris was home for the summer and took on the brunt of the burden.  One year later… we totally survived (and it was all for the best), but there were some pretty scary moments when I was SURE we weren’t going to make it. 

And now here we are staring down Jesse’s first birthday and I wonder where the last year of my life has gone!  Jesse you are 11 months old and such a fun, sweet, and goofy baby!


You are a cruising machine and would rather be pulled up on anything instead of just sitting on the ground.  We are trying and trying to get you interested in taking some steps, but you are just not quite ready.


You are a great crawler and SO fast!  That was the one good thing about army crawling… it gave me a little bit more time to catch you before you ______________ (fill in the blank: got into Daisy’s food, climbed up the stairs, pulled books of the shelf…) 


You have a really funny new mannerism: snorting!!!!!  You make a face that looks like Elvis where you lift up one side of your lip and then you just snort!  It’s hilarious and I have NO IDEA why you do it, but its hysterical.


{This is the closest I could get to capturing the “snort” on camera!  We’re still working on trying to catch it on a video to share.}


You love food but are starting to show some picky tendencies.  Whereas you used to eat anything put in front of you now you are not soooo excited about peas.  :)  Yogurt is a favorite as well as cheese and ham.  You had your first grilled cheese sandwich and you LOVED it.  My goal is to have you completely on table food in the next four weeks.  I think we’re BOTH tired of baby food.  :)  You have not mastered the sippy cup yet so we really need to get going on that since you’re just a few weeks away from drinking milk from a cup!


You love love love Asher (nothing new there).  You guys are starting to play together and you love to wrestle and climb on him.  Of course he loves it!!



Sleep is our friend!  You typically nap twice a day and are sleeping all night. 


Jesse I don’t know what happened because I’m sure you were just my newborn.  As hard as I tried to slooooow down and just savor the moments you somehow managed to grow up faster than I could watch.  We love you to pieces and are thankful EVERYDAY that God chose us to be your family.  We can’t wait to celebrate your first birthday next month and look forward to the days, months, and years to come with you!

1 comment:

  1. He is SOO sweet! And I swear he's so much bigger than when I saw him a month ago! :)
