Friday, May 20, 2011

Learning to pray!

We’re working on getting Asher to pray before bed… some nights he wants to and other nights he wants us to pray.  The other night he thanked Jesus for Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa and Daddy, our house, and Daisy.  I added in Mommy.  ;)  I’m sure he just forgot!  ha!  Well last night’s prayer was just too precious to forget so I thought I’d include it here:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for… Daddy, Mommy, Daisy-Girl, Asher, Daddy (again), Coralaine, Mommy’s tummy, Books (LONG pause)……. and CHIPS! 

Chips are NOT a normal part of his diet, but I gave him a few at dinner… apparently they were a HIT!  :)  Chris and I were both cracking up!  We sure do love that little boy!

1 comment:

  1. I got Chris' message about this last night! So sweet and adorable that he prayed for Coralaine! Love him! The girls used to pray for "mommys tummy" cute :) Miss you guys!
