Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let the comparisons begin!

I didn’t do a great job of documenting each week with Asher’s pregnancy.  This second time around we’ve taken a picture about every other week since about 16 weeks (I think).  It is fun to go back and look at the progression… it’s just hard to be diligent enough to remember to take the picture each week. 

I asked Chris if I looked bigger this time around and he said “No.” SO fast that I know he was just trying to be a sweet husband.  :) 

I found this picture from Asher’s pregnancy and I didn’t mark it with which week it was, but it’s dated almost exactly two months before he was born so I thought I’d compare it with my most recent shot since they are both approx. at 32 weeks. 


*Sigh*  It’s official!  I knew I felt bigger this time around but this picture definitely proves it.  :) 

No real complaints though, I knew that would happen and I’m just so thankful for a healthy pregnancy that worrying about extra weight seems ridiculous!  With each passing week we’re getting more excited about the reality of becoming a family of four!  Now if we could only choose a name…


  1. Don't worry about it girl. You look fantastic!

  2. You look adorable! I loved all the Asher bday pictures :) I can't believe he is 2...where does time go? Good luck on names!
