Friday, January 6, 2012

6 months old!

Jesse you are six months old!


The past six months have flown by!  This month in particular you have grown by leaps and bounds making the jump from 5-6 months seem bigger than any of the others so far!  I think your month-long croup/cold/cough had you feeling pretty crummy so now that you’re healthy you are changing faster than ever.  It’s a good thing I know each new stage is so much fun, otherwise I’d be pretty sad to see how quickly you’re leaving the little baby stage.


If there was a ‘theme’ for this month it would be allllllllmost sitting up.  You really love to be up and looking around and you’re pretty steady, just not all the way there yet. 

 jplaying  jsmiling

Propped up and ready to play!


You are such a cute and smiley baby.  When you smile, you smile with your WHOLE body.  You wiggle and thrash and just exude sweetness.  You are the happiest when someone is holding you.  Being held by aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and us all of Christmas break hasn’t helped your desire to always be in someone’s arms.


You are loving bath time these days.  You are in the awkward in-between-stage of not wanting to lay down, but not being stable enough to sit up safely unassisted so you are wobbly, but you love sitting and splashing in the water.


We decided to wait until 6 months to start food, but we did start you a few days early.  So far you’ve tried oatmeal and, just yesterday, you started bananas.  Each day you have become more interested and better at swallowing.  You seemed to especially like bananas!

Play-by-play shots of the first meal!


Right now you’re eating baby food for breakfast and dinner.  Asher loves to watch you eat and has all sorts of questions about baby food.  He is such a sweet big brother!


In other BIG news, this month you got your first tooth!!  We discovered it New Year’s Day at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.  We knew it was coming with all the drooling, chewing, and fussiness and it finally popped through!  We’re waiting for it’s ‘pair’ tooth to come and then hopefully we’ll get a little bit of teething relief.  I think I forgot how not-fun teething is since your brother was a baby.  Poor buddy, it’s hard to watch you suffer and know when to make you tough it out, and when to give you tylenol. Thankfully, you are still a sweet baby, you just need a little bit extra TLC these days… and lots of things to chew on!


I’m not sure how big you are yet, you have your 6 month appointment next week.  You are wearing 6-12 month clothes.  You are wearing size 3 diapers, and size 4 overnight diapers.

Sleep + Jesse is still a work in progress.  :)  Some nights are great (only waking up once)… other nights are not-so-great.  Regardless of how many middle of the night wake-ups we have you typically get up for the day between 7 and 8 am.  Naps are getting better and longer (HOORAY!)  This is a welcomed change!  Not only does it give me some uninterrupted time to get a few things done… but it means you wake up cheerful and happy!  Keep those good naps coming, Jesse-boy!


Jesse, you are really good at rolling both directions.  It doesn’t matter how we lay you down anymore because you will quickly roll over and/or scooch around in a circle until you are just the way you want to be.  At night you sleep on your tummy, your side, and sometimes still on your back.  You haven’t made any attempts to crawl or army crawl yet, but I’m sure you’re thinking about it.  :)


I wouldn’t trade the last 6 months of my life for anything, I have LOVED each sweet and snuggly moment with you, Jesse.  I feel like I’m finally getting into my groove during the day and getting two kids up, fed, ready, and out the door (even if it’s just to run to Target) is getting easier every time!  ;)  Jesse, we love you!  You complement our family and we can’t imagine life without you.  You are interacting more and more with Asher and it makes us happy to see our two boys loving each other and we both look forward to the days of two little boy playing cars on the floor or running trains along the tracks in the playroom.  


… But for now you can just continue to be our sweet baby boy!


* * *

A few comparison shots:


Asher 6 mos. old                 Jesse 6 mos. old


Jesse 1 mo. old                          Jesse 6 mos. old

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, I have to laugh almost everytime I read your posts and look at your pictures. Asher and Cole have so many of the same clothes!!! It cracks me up because most of them are from Target; looks like you and I know how to spend those rainy days. :) Your family is adorable and I love keeping up with you all!
